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Year 4

Future Experiences: The Future of Cancer & Collective Intelligence in the Post-Covid World.


Group (PartI) and Individual (PartII)


8 weeks in totals


Core Staff: Kristy Ross, Mill Stricevic, Janet Kelly and Irene Bell.

Capture d’écran 2021-03-23 à 11.07.png


In this project, our class was shared in 6 groups, 6 domains, Education, Prevention & Detection, Care & Treatment, Communicating Cancer, Beyond Cancer, and Personal Wellbeing. Each of these domains has been examined through the life-lenses of Social, Technological, Economic, Ecological,

Educational, Political, legal and Ethical. This project aims to create exhibitions represented 2030 future societies and futures services or probs. We had to include Collective Intelligence in our lens. This project is articulated in two important parts, the first one in groups, to create the 2030 exhibition and the second part aims to develop our individual axe of work.


This project, therefore, began with the distribution of groups and subjects. I am in the Communication Cancer group and I am with Choon, Maria and Calum. 

#Group Part

#Individual Part

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