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#Final Reflexion

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This project has brought me a lot, whether in terms of my group practice, personal or even humanly. For the first time in three and a half years, I found myself, in the beginning, in a weak position within my group. It was the first time that I had to accept the fact of being a little lost and destabilized in this project and to accept the help of my group. Future experience was a chance for us to be able to collaborate with so many experts and scientists.

They have helped and taught us to see a completely different and outward view of our practice. They taught us how to engage in a new form of dialogue in front of an audience that did not know our everyday designer vocabulary. And we showed them how we envisioned our different future scenarios and how speculation on present contexts was interesting and nourished by our collaborations. It was for me the first project on a subject as delicate as cancer and therefore in the medical environment, being in exchange in Spain for the project with NHS. I enriched my medical vocabulary and my vision of an environment that I am not used to working with.

I chose to develop my axis of individual research on death, having lost my grandmother from a distance three years ago. It was for me a way of bringing back a fascinating detail in the development of my research around a discourse that we are obliged to face in our close relations but which remains very taboo and difficult to manage. Our emotions are difficult to understand and communicate, that's why the idea of ​​developing a language that is based on our emotions through our body heat, this language is for me a new trick to understand ourselves a little more and to evolve the emotional view we have of each other. In addition to touching it is the last sense that we keep before dying, it is also an underestimated and little stimulated sense. Touch is important and should be stimulated until our death, in many writings and research it has been proven that in its various forms touch is a cure for many ailments.

Thank you


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Capture d’écran 2021-03-23 à 11.07.png
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